Sensitive Children and the link to the Endocrine System


With so many articles written addressing the emotional well-being of our children most fail to look internally to find the answers. For most the quickest fix unfortunately is the prescribing of medication which is very disruptive in  a growing body. An area that should be reviewed when dealing with a “sensitive child” is what is going on internally, looking for the root of the problem. Once the root of the problem is addressed and supported the body can very well (initially with support) right itself.

Our emotions (a.k.a hormones) are controlled by our Thyroid which is part of the Endocrine System which is a very important part of our bodies. It is compiled of the thyroid, adrenals, hypothalamus, pituitary, pancreas and ovaries/testes. The thyroid has a very important function in breast-feeding, as it paired with the hypothalamus, and pituitary gland all work together to produce the two hormones (prolactin/oxytocin) that govern the last stages of milk production.  It is well-known and documented in adults that if this system is not operating properly , emotions such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, panic attacks and mood swings occur. A disruption in this system in a growing child can disrupt brain chemistry which can have long-term health effects. Our children are no different than us and stress on their growing endocrine system can result in the very same deficiencies resulting in behaviors.

As parents it is very important for us to keep in mind, any body system we struggle with there is a good chance our children may as well. We need to see them as little people who have developing bodies that may be deficient and need support internally before we look to a synthetic way of masking the problem. Ways to support the endocrine system are through the removal of gluten (food intolerance known or unknown can disrupt the thyroid) ,  eating raw cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts), sea vegetables (sea weed, algae) brazil nuts (high in selenium), smoothies with maca and or chlorophyll, and avoid soy protein isolate. For those families with allergies, sensitivities and intolerance nuts in particular may be a problem. Some other sources of selenium are tuna, lamb, chicken and beef.

For parents struggling with an emotional child who is having melt downs, trouble managing emotions, sensitive, having trouble with sleep, there is a way to assist you child please do not give up hope!  I encourage you to seek out a supportive doctor, a doctor who practices functional medicine, Natropath and holistic nutritionist. There are ways to restore the body so that it can function properly. Our children are precious and are looking to us to advocate for them. Never forget there is always hope!!

Wishing You an Amazing Day!!

Your Nutritionist in Training!




Anxiety? Panic Attacks? Depression? Mood Swings? The Thyroid Roller Coaster Ride

The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care – Sally Fallon & Thomas S. Cowan M.D


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